Increase in Male Celebrity Who Undergone Plastic Surgery

It used to be that it was the females in the world of stardom that we all heard had undergone plastic surgery. That trend hasn't ceased, especially as plastic surgery has gotten increasingly more popular around the world. New procedures are making it possible for female celebrities to get their work done and get back to work without a blink in their schedule. But these new procedures have also sparked a new trend in the industry - an increase in the number of male celebrities who have undergone plastic surgery. As awareness increases about men in Hollywood using plastic surgery to look their best, it's likely that men in the real world will start making more of those appointments as well. Botox is one increasingly requested procedure among fairly young men who want to make sure that their premature wrinkles aren't putting a wrinkle in their status with the ladies. Women these days have no reason that they can't have it all and men - in Hollywood and elsewhere - have to jump on the good looks bandwagon if they're going to want to keep up. photo from Inmagine

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