Which Television Shows Teach You About Preventive Imaging?

There are a lot of television shows out there these days which show you different aspects of medicine. Of course, some of the details of these shows are more accurate than others when it comes to the reality of what happens at the hospital but these shows are important because they are raising awareness about different medical issues and procedures amongst the general public. Of these shows, which do you think are the ones that are best for teaching you the basic about preventive imaging? My personal favorite happens to be House. Not only does the wit of that show keep me entertained but there is a lot of preventive imaging information presented throughout the episodes which helps you get a basic understanding of how MRI scans, PET scans and total body scans can provide important information to doctors. Now if only the show could explain to people that preventive imaging is intended to be for preventative health and not just for resolving emergency situations, we'd be all set. Are there shows out there that achieve this aim better?

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